Research News at the College of Liberal Arts
College of Liberal Arts
Last Update: March 5, 2021
Purdue University is excited to announce the Early User Program (EUP) for Anvil, an NSF Category I large-capacity computational research platform. Anvil will provide a seamless and comprehensive ecosystem of software, access interfaces, programming environments, and composable services to support a broad range of science and engineering applications.
Anvil will integrate new technologies for interactive usage, scalable HPC, machine learning and big data applications; prioritize researcher productivity and ease of use; and provide an extensible architecture for interoperation with complementary data-intensive projects, campus resources, and commercial cloud.

Please find more information about the Anvil EUP in the attached PDF document, and join the Anvil team for an informative webinar to learn more about the system, how you can apply it to your research, and join the Early User Program. The webinar will take place via Microsoft Teams starting at 2pm on Monday, March 29, 2021. It is scheduled for 90 minutes.
Join the Anvil EUP Webinar HERE.
Last Update: February 16, 2021
The College of Liberal Arts has been invited by the Graduate School to submit one (1) nomination for the Provost’s Award for Outstanding Graduate Faculty Mentor. If you have in mind someone whom you believe is deserving of this award, please submit your department’s nomination (one per department only; to be submitted by DH, Grad Director, or Admin) – with all necessary parts combined into a single PDF document – via InfoReady (URL listed below) by Wednesday, March 24, 2021 before 5 PM EST.
CLA 2021 POGFM Nomination Form – InfoReady:
**The attached document (titled “Update IRUP.pdf”) outlines how to update your InfoReady User Profile for CLA, if you have not yet used InfoReady. This update must be done before you can make a nomination!**
Criteria for nominations are provided in the other attached document, along with a list of materials to be submitted with the nomination. Here is a preview:
- Current graduate faculty member on the West Lafayette campus
- Nominees must demonstrate sustained and significant contributions to graduate education at Purdue University through activities such as the following:
- Well-structured relationships with students that lead to successful completion of masters and doctoral degrees. These relationships include service on committees, mentoring, funding, intellectual and creative support, advocacy, and respect for students;
- Innovative graduate teaching;
- Significant administration of graduate programs
Nominating documents will be limited to five (5) pages, exclusive of the CV and support letters, and must include the following (assembled in the order indicated below):
- A cover sheet with the nominee's and nominator's name and contact information;
- Three letters of support including one from the nominator who is currently affiliated with Purdue University (this could include a dean, department head, faculty member, or graduate student) and two from FORMER students (1 page each).
- Nominee's reflection (written in first person) on involvement in various aspects of graduate education (1-2 pages); this section should be written by the nominee and include, but not be limited to, innovations in graduate mentoring and graduate administrative service;
- C.V. (include education; Purdue position; graduate courses taught; significant publications [indicate publications co-authored with graduate students by highlighting graduate student(s) name]);
- List of past masters and doctoral students for whom the nominee served as major professor and their current positions if available (1-2 pages)
CLA Administration will review all our candidates and forward the one we feel best represents the college, given the guidelines. One recipient will be recognized for this $2,500 award this year. More information can be found on the Graduate School’s website at the following URL:
As always, please direct questions to Mike Hicks, CLA Grants Coordinator, at Thank you.