Call For Papers: Interdisciplinary Symposium in Liberal Arts
The School of Languages and Cultures Graduate Student Committee has a strong tradition of organizing excellent symposia on various topics that are broadly relevant to scholars in the humanities and the social sciences. This year is no exception!
If you are a graduate student in CLA, please consider submitting an abstract by the November 21st deadline. Details for submission can be found at the following URL:
.If you are a faculty member who advises graduate students in the Liberal Arts, please encourage your advisees to participate. Thanks so much!
Call for Papers
Interdisciplinary Symposium in Liberal Arts
Facing the New Normal: Pandemic-Driven Innovations in Graduate Education
March 11th-12th, 2022
Online via Zoom
We are excited to announce the upcoming virtual Interdisciplinary Symposium in Liberal Arts on March 11-12, 2022. The symposium’s theme will be “Facing the New Normal: Pandemic-Driven Innovations in Graduate Education.” As the COVID-19 pandemic has drastically changed our lives since early 2020, we have been forced to rethink, reframe, reinvent, and be creative with our teaching and research. On this strand, we invite you to submit proposals related to the following themes:
– Teaching during the Pandemic: Hybrid course design, online learning pedagogy (e.g., blended learning), online assessments, and advances in learning technology in K-12 classrooms, in higher education.
– Researching during the Pandemic: Qualitative and quantitative research on trends in graduate education and research and results of research conducted remotely.
– Writing during the Pandemic: Changes in the demand for and use of writing labs and editors by graduate students both online and offline.
– Researching during the Pandemic: Research into pieces of literature, theatre and art that deal with the issues broadly related to the pandemic, such as sickness, isolation, injustice, etc.
– Research Proposal (special section): Graduate students who have not yet obtained the results of their research can present their literature review, methodology, hypothesis and expected results.
Graduate students working within all areas of Liberal Arts (Languages and Cultures, Linguistics, Anthropology, Art and Design, Communication, History, English, Interdisciplinary Studies, Philosophy, Sociology, Political Science, Language Education, and Theatre) are encouraged to apply. Papers that are not related to the COVID-related themes will also be considered.
The keynote speech will be given by Professor Linda Mason, Dean of the Graduate School at Purdue University.
Deadline for submissions: November 21, 2021, by 5 pm.
Abstracts (200 – 300 words) and a short bio (50 words) should be submitted through the following Google Form:
Please send any inquiries to Snezhanna Pankratova at