EVPRP Taking Kinley Trust Applications for 2021-2022 Competition
Purdue’s Office of the Vice President for Research has announced the opening of the 2021-22 Clifford B. Kinley Trust Competition. The Clifford B. Kinley Trust was established in 1978 to fund research that uses a social science perspective to explore methods for improving the human condition.
The process and parameters have changed this year and EVPRP will no longer require nomination of pre-proposals by the colleges. It is requested that faculty submit their pre-proposals, due by October 19, directly to the Office of the Executive Vice President for Research and Partnerships via the InfoReady link provided at the following URL:
General information, guidelines, procedures and previous award recipients for the Kinley Trust Competition are available online at the following URL:
As noted in the guidelines, successful proposals for Kinley Trust grants will describe projects that have a clear impact on improving the human condition, with a strong rationale and fully-described methodology. Project budgets should not exceed $25,000 total costs (an increase from $20,000 in past year and with indirect costs no longer included in total costs), and awarded funds should be expended within a standard project period of approximately one year.
The pre-proposal must follow the pre-proposal template available at the webpage cited above. Descriptions longer than one page or deviations from the application template will be returned without review.
The Kinley Trust Selection Committee will determine which investigators will be invited to submit full proposals. Invitations to submit full proposals will be sent to the selected faculty by mid-December 2021. Full proposals are due January 31, 2022 with final award announcements released as early as possible in March 2022.
Any questions should be directed to KinleyTrust@purdue.edu.