An Introduction to Identifying & Soliciting Department of Defense Funding
The Department of Defense works with hundreds of scholars on topics as diverse as climate change, social equity, or reframing the battlefield of the future. How can Purdue scholars take better advantage of these funding opportunities? Join three Purdue scholars and alumni on March 26 on Zoom to learn more about the opportunities.
Purdue University attracts hundreds of millions of dollars each year in extramural funding. A significant source of funding is the US Department of Defense; however, defense resources are not equally known and explored across campus units. The College of Liberal Arts and the Institute for Global Defense Innovation invited three experts and grant winners of Department of Defense funding to share with the Purdue community some strategies for identifying funding, writing proposals, and assembling successful teams. These experts will emphasize in their conversation that the projects funded by the Department of Defense cover a broad array of scholarly topics – from those that are purely military to issues related to health, humanitarian operations, environmental concerns, and social equity.
We invite you to join us Friday March 26, 2021 at 3PM EST via Zoom to find out more about Department of Defense Funding Opportunities and Funding Processes.
(After registering, you should receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.)
Cherie Maestas, PhD, Chair of the Department of Political Science, was funded by the Army Research Lab to study emotional contagion in socio Political events. Dr. Maestas received her PhD from the University of Colorado, Boulder in 2000. She publishes research on topics related to political communication, political psychology, risk attitudes, and legislative responsiveness. Her co-authored book, titled Catastrophic Politics: How Extraordinary Events Redefine Perceptions of Government (Cambridge University Press 2012), examines public response to media coverage of government performance during a catastrophic event.

Dan DeLaurentis, PhD, Professor of Aeronautical Engineering, Chief Scientist of the Department of Defense Systems Engineering Research Center, and Head of the Institute for Global Defense Innovation, is the winner of a recent multimillion dollar grant supporting advanced research at Purdue in hypersonics. His work focuses on the impact of uncertainty on aerospace design problems. He uses system dynamics, agent-based modeling, and other approaches to address these multi-disciplinary, multi-system problems.

William (Bill) L. Kiser, Jr., PhD is the Executive Vice President for Science and Technology for IN3 (Indiana Innovation Institute). Dr. Kiser formerly served as the Director of the Penn State Electro-Optics Center in Freeport, Pennsylvania, where he oversaw center operations and provided key technical support on projects for the Department of Defense (DoD). Dr. Kiser received a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering from Grove City College and a Master of Science in Engineering Physics from George Mason University. He earned his PhD in Medical/Health Physics from Purdue University and conducted his Post-Doctoral Research at the Indiana University School of Medicine, where he was one of the co-developers of Photoacoustic Computed Tomography.