3-Part Webinar on Cellular Agriculture Co-Sponsored by Ag and Engineering
The Purdue Colleges of Agriculture and Engineering invite everyone to the first International Webinar on “Cellular Agriculture: Techno-Socio-Economic Perspective.” The webinar will discuss transformative innovations in agriculture and food for human health, equity, and competitiveness. This event is co-sponsored by both colleges. In the spirit of inclusion, this webinar is free of cost to all. Registration is required for logistical purposes.

The webinar is delivered in three sessions:
- Session I: Perspective on Manufacturing Science, Engineering, and Safety (Monday 4/19/2021; 10 AM ET)
- Session II: Perspective on Economics, Nutrition, Society, and Sustainability (Wednesday 4/21/2021; 10 AM ET)
- Session III: Perspective on Innovations, Commercialization, and Entrepreneurship (Friday 4/23/2021; 10 AM ET)
(Please see the attached flyer for details.)
At Purdue, with collaborators, we are aspiring to generate a knowledge base to enable infrastructure for the economy in transformative agriculture and food manufacturing for resilient communities. The collaborative goal is to establish synergistic convergence among key disciplines including science, engineering, social science, economics, policies, businesses, and entrepreneurship.
The fifth agriculture and food revolution is called by major societal equity and equality demands. Purdue is responding to this calling to kick off a national and international dialogue including the engagement of subject matter experts, with the collective expertise of more than 200 years, participating in this invited webinar to discuss multifaceted dimensions of this convergent subject which concerns every human.
For questions about the webinar, please contact the following:
Ajay P. Malshe
R. Eugene and Susie E. Goodson Distinguished Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Director of the Materials and Manufacturing Research Laboratory (MMRL)
School of Mechanical Engineering
Email: amalshe@purdue.edu
Administrative Assistant: Ms. Kaylene Ruth Shepherd; kay104@purdue.edu; (765) 656-4472