Department of Defense Funding for Liberal Arts and Social Science Scholarship

The CLA Office of Research has identified new potential sources of funding and would like to share the news with you!

The Department of Defense and its many research institutions have funded numerous civilian, peace, humanitarian, and social support programs. Several colleagues at Purdue have obtained support for great work in this direction. Furthermore, despite governmental budgetary constraints, the Department of Defense remains a stable and steady source of funding. In this time of funding uncertainty, exploring opportunities at the Department of Defense could be quite productive.

On Friday, November 13 at 12 PM EST (a date in January 2021 yet to be determined – stay tuned for a renewed announcement), professors Cherie Maestas, Dan DeLaurentis, and William Kiser will share with the CLA research community their experience and unique insight into the process of soliciting and winning a DoD-related grant. You can join the conversation via WebEx at the following URL:

Dr. Maestas is the head of the Political Science department, and an expert in public policy. She has been awarded grants by the Army Research Office.

Dr. Dan DeLaurentis heads the Discovery Park affiliated Institute for Global Security and Defense Innovation and has won numerous awards in support of his research on hypersonic technologies.

William Kisser is the Executive Vice President for Science and Technology Officer at Indiana Innovation Institute

This conversation anticipates another similar event, to be organized in February with DARPA’s participation (Especially ITO and DSO), Army Research Office, Minerva Initiative, and Army Futures Command.

For questions, please contact the CLA Office of Research at the following email: